Friday 18 May 2012

May 12, Saturday & May 13, Sunday

May 12, Saturday & May 13, Sunday

Another gloomy day and although I had planned on visiting either the National Museum of the Botanical gardens, the body just wasn’t willing.  I stayed in bed most of the day, reading watching TV and doing research on the Internet.
For those of you I have met on my travels, if you want to see what my home town, Smooth Rock Falls, in Northern Ontario is all about, check out this web-site:

Today I am taking the metro again but this time heading north to the Kyoto Botanical Gardens.   I’ve only gone in about 100 feet and already take 30 pictures !  OH OH !
If you are not a flower or garden lover, you had better skip today's post because its flowers, flowers and more flowers.

Find a nice map of the gardens at the entrance.  It is going to be a long walk around all of this.

 The first flower beds provide a burst of colour, but they all appear to be well know garden variety flowers:  multicoloured pansies and poppies among others

Well this one is different.  Diane B had some Oxalis plants in her office !  I never did get a cutting.  And here they are growing out in a garden.
I did take pictures of all the latin names that go with the flowers, but I'm having such a difficult time with the internet connection so I'll add a few but the rest will be in my own notes.

 Now this one I had never seen before: "Echium wildpretii"  the plants are taller than I am

and this is what the flowers at the top look like.   It is so pretty and delicate, on such a huge plant.

 Pretty dots of all sizes

and something similar in white with outside dots.  Different name however... Nemophila.....

 My favourites, colombines; these have a beautiful rich colour.  I had 4 different varieties in my garden in Ottawa.

 This one looked like a tea rose

 This is the tree they grew on... but unfortunately no name tag.

 I then walked through a forest area where I loved the natural paths and quiet.  Huge trees with some small flowers hidden away in the underbrush.

Kyoto Botanical Gardens opened in 1924.  It was closed from 1946 to 1961 when extensive work had to be carried out to restore it to its former glory.  It contains over 12,000 species and 120,000 plants.
Cherry trees are not indigenous to Japan !There are over 70 different species of cherry trees in the Kyoto Botanical Gardens. Too bad I missed the flowering season between early March and late AprilLThe bulk of the hybrids no longer produce cherries; they have been “engineered” for their flower production.

After walking through the woods, I reach the green houses.These are a huge domed area.

The conservatory buildings beside the lake.

and this arbour was the first thing to see as I walked in. 

Beautiful "lady slippers" shaped flowers, but I've never seen them in a hanging variety: Thumbergia Mysorensis

 These looked like a tiny Japanese lantern plant: Clerodendrum Japonicum.

 Tall standing water lillies

 One of the domes of the conservatory buildings

Strongylodon macrobotrys:  I took a zoom of the flower, which was hanging from an arbor above.  I've never seen a flower of this colour before.

The remains of a banana flower, but of a pale pink colour.  I've usually only seen dark coloured blooms hanging downward.
And here are a series of "strange ones" for you

Aristolochia Salvadorensis
Dendrobium silliecae..... Really, they couldn't come up with a prettier name ?
 Huge flower in the middle of a giant fern

 This one looked like it should be a bow on a Xmas package:  Pseudobombax ellipticum

Delicate little bells, all varieties of fuchsias 

 A series of strange flowers; this one from the Hoya family.  They look like cookie-cutter flowers that you could decorate a cake with.


 This one looks like an alien with lots of eyes;  Heliconia psittacorum

 And more lady slippers,  leading to the orchids

 Beautifully coloured Orchids

 beautiful white perfect creation
After a long time in the green houses I’m back outside and make my way to the Rhododendrons and think of John & Renée's beautiful garden,   and then to the rose garden, which are in bloom here since I'm further south now.


 These look like a burst of lace.  They are tiny little clumps of flowers on a tree:  Kalmia latifolia.

This rose was almost blue

 And these all reminded me of Remy, my sister-in-law, who loved her roses and won so many prizes growing them in Winnipeg..... or Winterpeg as Paul calls it.

 Perfection !   And the aromas coming from the various bushes was delightful.

There were a series of fountains and statuary throughout the gardens

The umbrella is to protect from the sun today... not the rain for a change.

 Pom-poms just waiting to burst out of their shells:  Allium Giganteum

 A white rose ?  with the pink blush on its petal edges

 Not sure if nature created this one, or if a human hand helped these rhododendrons along, but they had a beautiful deep purple interior

I spend at least 3 hours wandering around the lovely grounds of the gardens, just relaxing and taking in the sights, sounds and smells.  

 It was a beautiful day

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