Monday 31 December 2012

December 21, Friday

December 21, Friday

Last day in Kaua’i.  I had an excursion booked to go to Hanalei (of “Puff the Magic Dragon” fame) but I’ve decided not to go for many reasons:  1) it leaves at 7 am, which means that I have to get up at 6 am to go have breakfast and be off the ship at 6:45.   2) it’s a 5 hour excursion, the bulk of which will mean that I will be stuck on a bus with maybe half an hour at our destination.  3) It’s on the north shore of Kaua’i, and it usually rains there.  Decision: Stay on board the ship and relax.
I woke up early (as usual lately, which means around 5 am) and read for awhile, but managed to go back to sleep this time.  By the time I woke up again it was almost 9 am and time to go for breakfast.   I spent the rest of the morning reading on my balcony.  Went down to the internet area to send off a few last emails.  DRATS!  I waited too long to go pick-up the colour coded luggage tags and I could not get a late de-boarding.  I’ll have to be ready to get off the ship by 8:20 instead of 9 am.

The ship left the harbour at 1:30 and we headed out to sea for our return to Oahu.   Not sure why we are leaving so early, since Kaua’i and Oahu are next to each other.   I spent the afternoon writing up my notes from the various excursions I’ve been on during the cruise, as well as annotating my e-photos.    At 5:30, the island of Oahu is in sight.   ? ?  Already ? ?  No, I find out from the people on the balcony next door that the captain has sailed around the island of Kaua’i.   We are seeing the Northwestern side of the island; he sailed by so one side of the ship would get the view, and then came back around so the other side of the ship would see it as well.    
 Spectacular views.  You can see the ancient lava flows so clearly.  No wonder they filmed parts of Jurassic Park on this island.

 A rainbow forms out over the water.

I find out later that it is called the Na Pali Coast.   Wow; what an amazing sight.   This is about the best viewing spot unless you are in an airplane or helicopter.  Very rugged coast line.
  Goodbye Kaua'i
   The sun sets as we leave the island

This evening I had to pack up my bags and place them in the hallway before going to bed, so that they would be waiting for me on shore tomorrow morning.  

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