Sunday 28 October 2012

Oct 1, Monday

Oct 1, Monday

Took the metro downtown and from Federation Square took the Free City Tram to get to the Melbourne Museum.
 The old tram arrives

 and I start my ride around downtown Melbourne

 I got off at the Carlton Gardens and walked up to 

  the Royal Exhibition Bldg
Just on the other side was the Museum of Melbourne

 with lots of dinosaur skeletons

 and the natural history portion was amazing.  At the bottom of this photo you can see people using a huge interactive computer screen.  It showed the same animal displays as above; you simply touched the animal you wanted info on and it appeared.

 Welcome Nugget, 1858, found by a party of Cornish miners, 2218 ounces (63 kg)

Australia's Coat of Arms   with lifesize red kangaroo and emu.

From there I walked down Nicholson Street toward the parliament buildings, but

 turned into Parliament Gardens first

 And then continued on to St. Patrick’s Cathedral with its beautiful gardens

I cut across to Fitzroy Gardens

 and loved the brickwork adorned with children's messages

 Fitzroy Gardens

The Conservatory

 inside the conservatory

 Walked up to the adjoining Treasury Gardens

and back on to Spring Street near the Parliament Building

 and stately old hotels

 The State Parliament Building
I really got lucky because just as I snapped this picture, the Free City Tram arrived, so I jumped on and rode back to Federation Park.

Old Forum Cinema building with its elaborate architectural details

 Federation Square
It was about 4:30 by then and breakfast was long gone so I selected on of the open air restaurant to have a nice meal.   
First a coffee to warm up, then some nice pasta and prawns with a glass of Chardonnay.
The sun was getting low when I crossed the street to get back to the metro / train station and return to Brighton Beach.

I wonder how many kilometers I walked today?

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