Tuesday 22 November 2011

Nov 21, Monday & Nov 22, Tuesday

Nov 21, Monday & Nov 22, Tuesday
(PS,  I added photos of Bariloche in my previous post)
Nov 22, Tuesday
OK.  I have to admit this.  First day in Buenos Aires, and  I slept until 1:30 this afternoon.  Spent the rest of the day watching movies on TV.   I guess I needed the extra sleep.   Buenos Aires can wait until tomorrow.
Nov 21, Monday
There was rain and extremely strong winds all night, rattling the windows of my room.   The ash on the roof next door is clearly visible now.
The wind is still blowing very strong when I get to the bus station for the drive from Bariloche to Neuquen.   Although the sun was bright when we left, within a short time we drove into the worst of the storm.  I can understand now why some of the highways had to be closed during the past few days.
  Bariloche in the distance

  Just a few miles outside the city
  This is not a snow storm,  it's ash !

  Ash already on the ground

  Arizona like rock formations, seen through the ash fall

  The worst of the storm we drove through

  Finally clear skies half way through the drive to Neuquen

  Beautiful scenery just before reaching Neuquen
It is a 5 ½ hour ride on the bus and more than half of it is through ash fall and wind whipping up what is already on the ground.  
The land was fairly green as we drove out of Bariloche, but became arid once we got further away from the lakes.   Lush green only appears near water.    After we had driven out of the storm, there were vast open views of the land.
From the bus station in Neuquen, I grabbed a cab to the airport, not knowing whether I would be able to catch a flight to Buenos Aires or not.   Luck was with me yet again;  there were 4 flights out that afternoon and evening.  Although the LAN flight was full, I was able to purchase a ticket with Aero Argentina for a flight that left almost at the same time at 6:30.
Flight was uneventful and landed in Buenos Aires  at around 8:30.   I had not booked a room since I did not know whether I would be spending the night in Neuquen, or flying here, so when I left the airport by taxi, it was with fingers crossed that I would be able to get a room at the IBIS.   “Je suis Merdeuse !”   The taxi driver could not believe I was able to snag a room with no reservations.   And on top of that, they could accommodate with for one week!   I’m all set for Buenos Aires.

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