Wednesday 29 February 2012

February 28, Tuesday & February 29, Wednesday

February 28, Tuesday    &   February 29, Wednesday

Wednesday:   I wanted to get an early start today to go to the Chinese Embassy to request a Tourist Visa.  Somehow it was 11 am by the time I left the hotel by taxi to get to the Sikandarpur Metro Station for the half hour ride to downtown.   Everything went smoothly however.  Wasn’t sure what to expect with their metro system, but at this end of the city (Gurgaon) it is an elevated metro and quite modern.   At one point it goes underground so there wasn’t much to see.   Met another lady from France and we chatted during the metro ride.  (There had been a lady from France on my flight from Mumbai as well.)   I had a city map and had made notes about which metro station to exit and which street to take to get to the Meridian Hotel on Raisina Road, where there is an agency that handles all Chinese Visa applications.   Although they had indicated that you could print the forms from their on-line web-site, the form could not be opened, or the instructions;  so I knew that today I was unlikely to be able to apply,  I would just get the form and the instructions, then head to a travel agency to book some flights in and out of China.   Kind of hard to do when you have no idea when you are going to get to China, let alone leave it !  
From the Meridian (at least on the map) it looked like Connaught Place, in the downtown area, was within walking distance but that turned out to be deceiving.   I ended up taking a tuk-tuk to get to the Tourism Agency.   {Yvette !  I finally got a ride on one of those crazy little carts !   We had seen some in southern Peru but never got the chance to get in one for a ride.  I had seen more in Bolivia but had not dared try them there.}
 My tuk-tuk ride  
Yvette:  Check out the driver's face in the mirror.  Remember Athens !
 Same as in Mumbai, construction debris is just left on the streets
No, that's not a sale on motorcycles;  they just park them wherever they want !
Check out the cars driving on top of the white lines, and the motorcycles weaving in between
Downtown New Delhi.   Little yellow and green tuk-tuk like the one I'm in.
My tuk-tuk driver.

When I got to the agency I decided that I couldn’t really book a flight to (and out of) China until I had a better idea of when I would leave India,  so I asked about the Golden Triangle type tours.   I’ll make a long story short:  there were no groups available taking the route and time I wanted to take, so I booked an individual 15 day excursion:  my own car and driver/guide, all hotels pre-booked with breakfasts included:   Delhi – Pushkar (one of the oldest cities in India, site of Brahma Temple) – Jodhpur (the blue city, Mehrangarh Fort,  Umaid Bhavan Palace) – Udaipur (City of Lakes and Palaces) – Jaipur (the pink city, Amber Fort, Lakshmi Narayan Temple) – Agra (Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Tomb of Akbar the Great) – Orchha (Orchha Palace, Chhatris) – Khajuraho (Group of Monuments with erotic sculptures) – Varanasi (Ghats on the Ganges River) – Delhi (return by night train).   I leave on Saturday March 3 and return on Sunday Mar 18.    That means I can’t submit my request for my visa to China until I get back, so I won’t leave India until Friday March 23.    At least my travel dates are starting to firm up.
I took a tuk-tuk back to the Metro station and rode back to Gurgaon.
On the way, I took these photos from the train of the Chhatarpur Temple, the second largest temple complex in India,  dedicated to Goddess Katyayani   

Hope that this is part of my city tour on Friday

This time I waited and got off at the last stop, the Huda City Centre.  The Internet had indicated that there were two hospitals near this stop:   Fortis  and  MAX  (Hopefully I could get the Japanese Encephalitis shots.)    I was lucky and from the elevated train spotted both hospitals near the station.  I opted for the Fortis Hospital since it was the most modern.   Remember I told you about the driving here?  Well I had to cross and 8 lane highway to get to it;  that means about 12 cars across the way they drive here.   I took my life in my hands and ran across the first half, then did the same with the traffic coming from the other direction.   MADE IT !   It took me a while to find the entrance gate to the Fortis, since it is encircled by very high fences.   The guard at the gate asked why I wanted to enter the hospital, so I explained about the injection.   He indicated NO with his head.  Turns out the hospital is still under construction;  the outside looks finished but the inside is still being worked on.   Wonder why there was no mention of that on the internet ! #%&$%^&#*#    So back I went, across the 8 lanes of traffic, to get back to the metro station, then had to cross another avenue, 6 lanes of traffic this time, but again with a median in the middle.   I got to the MAX hospital and went to the information desk, explaining what I needed.  I was asked if I had a prescription for the  injection.   “No, in Canada you don’t need a prescription, you just go to the travel clinics and they tell you what you need for your trip and give you all the injections.”   She asked me to follow her to the pharmacy area across the hall, where the gentleman behind the desk confirmed that I needed a prescription.    I asked the young lady if it was possible for me to see a doctor at the hospital, since I was already there.   She told me I could go to the Emergency Room to see a doctor !    OK, we all know what a trip to the Emergency Ward is like in Canada;  you could be there for hours, even when it IS an emergency, which it was definitely not in this case.    But I decided it was worth checking out, so off I went to find the Emergency Ward.   Tiny room,…..  with 4 beds……  and a desk.  That’s it !     Only one person in one of the beds and a nurse at the desk.  So I explained again what I needed and the nurse went to get a doctor (female).  I explained again what my problem was and without hesitating, she wrote out a prescription, then asked if their pharmacy had the injections on hand.   I responded that since the person behind the desk had indicated that I needed a prescription, I assumed they had the serum on hand.    WRONG !    Back at the pharmacy desk, they confirmed they did not have any, but the guy made a lot of phone calls to different places to try to find some.  NO LUCK.  He told me the medication has a very short shelf life and there was a shortage at the moment.  A very nice lady who was waiting for her prescription suggested I try another hospital, the Artemis or the Paras, both in the neighborhood.  We ended up having a nice chat.   It was almost 5 pm by then so I decided to call it a day.   I’ll call both hospitals tomorrow to see if they have the serum on hand before trekking out there.
Near the hotel, and all around the Gurgaon highrises, I've seen pigs running around.  Not our type of pink pigs, but the big hairy type.  They are absolutely EVERYWHERE.  They don't appear to belong to anyone, they reproduce like crazy and rummage through all the garbage in the streets.  

  A pig under the trees

Highrises in Gurgaon

More pigs !
  The ground around these highrises have just been left as is.  Full of rubble and garbage.  People just throw plastic bottles, wrappers, plastic bags and whatever on the ground.  It is like that everywhere I've been here.

And smaller buildings are just plunked along the way, with smaller businesses.

Highrises with a row of tuk-tuks waiting for clients

Back at the hotel, I Googled again about the serum and found out that quite a few children have died in recent months from Japanese Encephalitis.   The government is taking measures to have more of the serum produced (but they will probably inoculate children who are at high risk first, so I may not get it after all).   I sent a message to the Ottawa Travel Clinic to seek their advice.  Maybe I can get an injection in another country.

I started Googling to find flights and hotels in Nepal (my next stop on the way to China) and booked both.    

I then looked up a “favourite” I’d tagged earlier about Excursions in China.   One of them was 18 days and covered a lot of the areas I had wanted to see.  They have a group leaving on April 6 so I’ve sent them an email enquiry to see if they have room for one more.   If this works out I can actually purchase my airline tickets in, and out of, China in order to get my Tourist visa.  KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED !  

What a day this has been.   Oh, and I have a Delhi City Tour booked for Friday !

Tuesday:   Took it easy today.   Went down for breakfast at 9:30  (they serve until 10:30 here.  LOVE IT)
Washed a few items.   Went out to get a badly needed haircut;  I'd noticed a hair salon a short walk away.  I also went to get a bit of groceries since I have a bar fridge this time (rare in an IBIS Hotel).   I then did a lot of research on the internet, trying to find a travel clinic to get my Japanese Encephalitis innoculation;  looks like I may have to go to a private hospital to get this shot.   And then more research trying to find an excursion through India’s Golden Triangle.   Not much luck.  I’m faced again with booking something on my own which usually means much more expensive;  can’t find a tour group to join.  

There’s an HBO movie channel so I watched TV all evening and into the wee hours.

Monday 27 February 2012

February 27, Monday

February 27, Monday

Check out was at noon, so I was able to have a lazy morning, repacking my suitcase and reading.   The hotel provided free transportation back to the airport, which was very nice.  
My sister Helene commented on the pictures I published from Mumbai saying that the city seemed surprisingly nice and clean.    Amazing what you can do with cropped pictures isn’t it !    Today I will add some pictures of the real Mumbai.   There is trash in all the streets.   If road work has been carried out, the remnants are left on the side of the road. 
 Roadside Florist shop
  Old abandoned building beside new highrises
  City views
  Ladies lining up to purchase fresh produce
  This is on one of the main streets
  Little children playing in the rubble beside the highway/roadway
  Typical street scene
  Typical street corner

 Living beside rubble

Yesterday, I don’t think I mentioned the driving here.   THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY CRAZY !   Some roads have clearly marked lanes, others don’t, so I wasn’t surprised to see cars jamming up against each other on the roads that did not have lanes painted on the roadway, but when we got to the main highways, with clearly marked 4 lanes going in each direction, it made no difference.  There might as well not have been any lines painted at all because everyone ignored them.  My driver liked to keep the line under the middle of the car !   Then I noticed that many other drivers were doing the same thing. Even if it was 4 lanes, if 6 cars could fit across, there would be 6 cars.   Add to that motorcycles and put-put taxis squeezing in between whenever they could and  IT WAS A HAIR RAISING EXPERIENCE.   And to add to my already white knuckle ride, all the drivers only have one hand on the wheel, with their thumb almost constantly on the horn.   There did not appear to be any special reason to honk the horn; it could mean “I’m here”  “I’m moving into your lane so you had better let me in”   “Move”   “Go faster”   “I’m turning here”   etc.    It was the same again today on the way to the airport.

Although I arrived at the International Airport in Mumbai, I was leaving from the Domestic Airport for my flight to New Delhi.  The funny part is that although the two terminals are approximately 4 km apart, they actually share runways and taxi ways !    How did I find out?   Funny you should ask !    I arrived at the Domestic Airport, checked in to the Domestic Airport, got my baggage scanned and loaded at the Domestic Airport,  got into an airport carrier bus at the Domestic Airport,  and was driven across the taxiways and runways over to the International Airport to board our plane !   It took about 20 minutes to get there.   I was joking with a few other ladies, who had perplexed looks on their faces, that it appeared they were going to drive us to New Delhi ! 
The flight went well, although the direct flight turned out to have a stop in Aurangabad where the majority of the passengers disembarked and the plane filled up again.  I guess that’s better than cancelling the flight !    By 7 pm I was in the taxi, by 8 pm I was at the IBIS Hotel in Gurgaon (Suburb of New Delhi).    Love this chain of hotels because all the rooms are exactly the same so you know what to expect.   This one is brand new and the bathrooms are those European units that all come prefabricated and preassembled:  compact and efficient.

Had a nice meal:  buttered chicken Masala, with buttered naan bread !   YUM ! 

Sunday 26 February 2012

February 26, Sunday

Spent part of the day confirming my flight to New Delhi on Monday,  as well as booking a hotel there. 

The internet connection was as slow as molasses, and it took forever to upload the photos into my Blog.   And then the system timed out on me, so I didn't get to finish publishing my blog until just a few minutes ago.

I had intended on going to visit the Sanjay Gandhi National Park today and visit the Kanheri Caves, but I needed to stay close to a bathroom.  Yes !   Yesterday's lunch downtown has come back to haunt me.

It doesn't matter though since there were mixed reviews about the park on the internet.

Next posting will come from New Delhi !    TTFN

February 24, Friday February 25, Saturday

February 24, Friday      February 25, Saturday

Friday:   Went for breakfast just after 9 am.   Not our usual breakfast buffet, this one is definitely Indian style.   Much too spicy for my stomach in the morning.   I opted for an omelet (made as you wait) and tried a few of their vegetable dishes (I knew it !   Too spicy).  The coffee is mud; I’ll have to remember to ask for tea.    Spent the rest of the day relaxing,  updating my blog from Nairobi and watching TV.   I booked a city tour for all day tomorrow;  private again since they don’t seem to have organized tour buses.   I had dinner at the hotel restaurant  (I’m staying at the Peninsula Grand Hotel, hear the airports).   The rice here is simply delicious!  I had some herbed fish (Mumbai is on the Indian Ocean) and a “ratatouille” of vegetables (egg plant, zucchinis, onions, carrots)  YUM…..And healthy at that !    Too much salt in all dishes and everything in a sauce is spicy.   
Saturday:   Early breakfast at 8 am.  I had cereal and fruit this morning, with my tea.   At 9 am my driver was here to pick me up and off we went to central Mumbai.   The hotel where I am staying is near the construction site of the new elevated metro line, so not the prettiest sites around here.   And it is very poor.   I hadn’t seen much when I arrived at 3 am, but enough to know that it was not an area I would be able to just walk around in.
  Peninsular Hotel
Drove by all the special tourist sites until we got to the downtown core, and then we parked the car and walked around.
  Siddhivinayak Temple (Bhudist)
   Main road into Mumbai.  Lots of polution
  Haji Ali Mosque  (Hindu)
   Mumbai's "Riviera"
  Art Deco on a building
  Downtown Mumbai
 Some nice architectural details

Sign on a church:   “God prefers fruits of the spirit over religious nuts”     LOVED IT !
 In the harbour, ferries and boats going to Elephant Island..... I'll give that one a miss !
   Gateway to India !    It is huge and impressive.
  Details inside the gate.
  Taj Mahal Palace Hotel.  New Taj Mahal Tower Hotel showing on the right

Also walked to visit the Prince of Wales Museum for a few hours.
Prince of Wales Museum

  Spectacular relief
 Beautiful carved ivory.   Don't worry, it's all very old carvings, therefore very old elephant horns.
  Another ivory carving, only about 6 inches x 6 inches
  This ivory carving originates from Japan.  Check out the beautiful long bird tail feathers.   A true work of art.
 Lovely Bhudist bronzes
  And weaponry
  This piece doesn't look like much from a few feet away, but check out the detail in the next two photos.
The entire piece is made of jewels !

  This huge piece looked like it was made out of ivory,  but it is made out of paper !     Simply amazing art.  
  It is called Solapeh  (Soda plant)
  This piece from a mural dates back to the 8th century.   It is still in amazing shape.

We then went for lunch at a local restaurant.  My driver’s selection.   If I get sick later today I will know why !  But the food was delicious.  I stuck with a vegetarian meal and added some buttered naan as a side dish.  Sprite in a bottle please;  “don’t drink the tap water” or any water served in a glass.
  Some of the buildings that have been well maintained.
  Huge clock tower on the site of the Mumbai University
 Huge tree growing over the cement wall, just beside where the car was parked.
  One of the carriages you can rent for a ride, just like in New York's Central Park, but check out the silver carriage !
From there we walked back to the car, with a mandatory stop at a local shop (whether I wanted to buy or not) where they sell tourist stuff !  (pashmiras, rugs, etc. all overpriced).    My driver asked me how old I was, so I told him.  He was amazed at my level of energy;  he was tired out from the museum visit.  That’s what you get from sitting/driving a car all day.

On the way back to the northern part of the city, we stopped at the Hanging Gardens.   Pretty, but not what I expected.   Nothing was really "hanging" from anything.

  Rose garden
  It's Saturday so there are a lot of families in the park.
  Back along the "Riviera" along the waterfront.

View across the Bay, through the haze, looking toward Malabar Hill.

From Malabar Hill, where the Hanging Gardens are located, there was a beautiful view of the bay and the beaches.

 We drove on the Bandra-Worti Sea Link Bridge on our way back to the northern part of Mumbai.    
Quite impressive.

The only place on my list we did not get to was the Dhobi Ghat.  Anyone who watched Amazing Race, or travel shows, will recognize this as the place where they die the cloths in urine !   I wasn’t that sad about no seeing the place;   my nose smelled enough different “aromas” today to last me awhile.
  Some very poor housing below the highrises on the hill
  Some of the local taxis !
  Traffic on the way back
  Looks like a nice highrise right ?  But if you look closely you can see that it's not in very good shape.

I had a really good laugh at something my driver asked me just before dropping me off at the hotel.   Now before I tell you the story, I have to admit that sometimes a tell white lies about myself for a variety of reasons;  mostly for my own protection.   When my driver asked me earlier in the day if I was married, I told him I was a widow.  "Did I have any children?"  Yes I have two boys, well grown men.  
"Do they live with you?"   No, they are grown men (23 & 25) and live independently.   
"Do you have your son's permission to travel?"    Well that's when I lost it !   I laughed so hard !  
When I asked why I would need my son's permission to travel, he seemed very insulted.  Of course it may have been because I was still laughing !   He explained that women of a certain age (he meant me) would not have the financial means to travel, so obviously my son (or my husband) would have to give their permission first before I could leave.   I explained that I had worked for 38 years and had my own money.  My sons would have absolutely nothing to say about what I did with my money or where I travelled to.    
And on top of it all, this is ME we're talking about.  I haven't asked anyone for permission to do anything since I left home !   It was just hilarious.   (PS  I did apologize to him for laughing !)

Oh, I forgot to mention, there were dogs and cats on the streets here.  Why is that surprising?  Because I realized that I had not seen any on the streets of Nairobi !  NONE AT ALL !  
There are many beggars on the streets here, as well as people sleeping on the sidewalks, parks, etc.   I didn't see many of those in Nairobi either.   O'Seismus had told me that there was a by-law preventing begging in the downtown core.   What a difference with Mumbai.

I’ll just take it easy again tonight and have another nice dinner with wine.  Did you know that India produces wine?  I didn’t.  So I tried a glass of Sauvignon Blanc last night and although I found it a bit too sweet for my taste, it was quite crisp and pleasant on the palate.