Thursday 16 August 2012

June 25 Monday

June 25 Monday

Breakfast at 9 am, and departure for the elephant camp at 10 am.  I take advantage of the down time to take a few more pictures

 Although the raft cottages were a bit of a disappointment compared to some better ones I had seen, it was very peaceful here.

 Our rafts are there, waiting for us

 Interior steps leading to the second level where my room is located.  Planks leading to the shore and the wooden staircase leading to the road we will be taking this morning.

A view of the cottages from the shore

Kanchanaburi Elephant Park is a refuge for elephants who have been rescued.  In no time, we are up and away on our elephants

 Carole and Juliana share one large male elephant

 and they are given the time to stop along the way to grab some fresh grass and branches to munch on while we make our way down the road and into the forest

 The ride is beautiful

 My mamoot stops along the way and uses my camera to take some pictures of me on the elephant

 I bravely get down from the chair and onto the elephant's neck,  just like the mamoot

LOOK MA.... No hands !
Our elephants seem to be enjoying the ride as well; they stop often to grab some leafy branches and fresh grass.

 After our ride, I buy a basket of bananas and we take turns feeding our elephants

 Other groups are leaving for their rides.  Did you notice the platform here is much sturdier than the one we used in Laos?  No one is going to fall through this wooden planking.

 Carole opts to take an elephant down to the river to wash it

but she ends up getting a shower first !

 She's a real trooper ! She spent more time in the water trying to get back on the elephant and ending up being dunked. The mamoot did not fare much better.      Bravo Carole !

 As we make our way back up the hill, more elephants have returned to take on other tourists.

As we leave the Kanchanaburi Elephant Park, we see a lone elephant who has been left in the shade of a tree.

We are driven back to our floating raft cottages to pick up our bags and take our raft ride back to Kitti Rafts Restaurant for lunch

 On the raft, and we are off !

 We float gently down the river with our young guide gently steering from the back.  The water is quite shallow

 It is beautiful and peaceful

 We recognize that we are nearing our destination by the hanging pedestrian bridge

Surprise! Instead of dropping us off at the restaurant, our guide stops just before the hanging bridge and tells us we have to go up the steep embankment and cross the bridge to return to the restaurant. He says the current is too strong here to cross the river on the raft to the other side ! WHAT ?
I am NOT a happy camper. The climb up out of the raft and up the embankment is rocky and steep. Not much choice in the matter however and Carole and Juliana give me a hand. We reach the hanging bridge and when I see what condition it is in, I’m almost in tears.

 We are NOT crossing on THAT bridge ! ! ! !

There is NO WAY !

I’m looking around to see if we can somehow make it up to a main road and cross over by the regular car bridge but we can’t see a thing from where we are. The raftman finally comes up the embankment behind us and crosses the hanging bridge with us. I’m shaking like a leaf in high winds. I’m terrified of falling through the broken wooden pieces of wood.

 Can you believe that we HAD to cross on this thing?

Another raft goes by as we are attempting to cross and I'm yelling  H E L P  down to them when I notice that their raft is partially submerged !   No choice but to keep going.

Our raftsman has gone on ahead, to prove to us that it is safe to cross.
I'm still not convinced!

When we finally reach the other side, I’m heaving huge sighs of relief.  After we make it back to the restaurant and wait for lunch, I see a motorcycle speeding on that very same hanging wooden bridge.  Too bad we did not get to see that BEFORE having to walk on it.  I think it would have made me feel slightly more secure.

By 1:30 we are on the road back to Bangkok.  Same sniffling driver we had on the way here!   At one point I finally offered him a Kleenex so he could blow his nose, but it did not help.  He kept sniffling all the way back.  One hour out of Bangkok it started to pour; torrential monsoon rains, flooded streets and traffic jams on the highways.   At this point I was paying more attention to this guy’s driving and realized that the sniffling was accompanied by head jerks and other nervous tics.  Hopefully not a cocaine or other type of drug adict, or stuff to keep him awake;  I really wondered !

By 4:30 I’m back at the Viengtai Hotel to pick up the luggage I had left behind and get a taxi to the Novotel on Siam Square.  Despite the fact that I had reserved a non-smoking “double” room with queen size bed, I am advised that the only non-smoking rooms available have twin beds.  I’m not amused, but agree to the “downgrade”.   I remind the clerk however that I am coming back in 2 weeks (after I return from Pataya) and am expecting a “double” room, as reserved.  She is very nice and apologetic.

My room at the Novotel Siam Square.  Not so bad since they aren't narrow twin beds.
And quite a difference from the floating raft cottages

The room is quite nice however and after a nice shower, rest and change of clothes, I’m feeling much better and ready to go out to find a restaurant for dinner. It is still pouring rain outside so I opt for the in-house restaurant and treat myself to a very expensive buffet dinner with wine.  I’ve been slumming it for long enough.   Appetizers:  artichoke hearts, olives, sushi, shrimp, tiny vegetable samosas, etc.   For the main course there are a variety of dishes to choose from but you can also have fresh salmon steak, beef tenderloin, and other steaks cooked to your liking.  I opt for the salmon and add a variety of roasted vegetables.  Desserts include a variety of teeny tiny little cakes and tarts:  Cherry tart the size of two thumb nails, containing 2 cherries, tiny bite size rich dark chocolate cake with berry coolie, cheese cake only large enough to hold a wedge of kiwi on it.   All of this accompanied by a nice crisp white wine from Chile.   YUM !  

After all the day’s excitement, I’m ready for a good night’s sleep.   AND WHAT A DAY IT WAS.
This entire 3-day adventure to the River Kwai was one of the best !

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