Tuesday 27 March 2012

March 26, Monday

March 26, Monday

My flight arrived at 6:30am.  I got through customs and immigration in record time; talk about efficiency.  My luggage was already circling around when I got to the carrousel.  Couldn’t exchanged my rupees at the airport, so found an ATM and got some Hong Kong Dollars. 
Now this was the fun part.  As many of you know, I'm a big fan of "Amazing Race".  (Well at least I watched it when I was at home; haven’t been able to see it during my travels.)  On one of the episodes where they had landed at the Hong Kong airport, they took the train to get to the city.  AH HA !   So instead of taking a taxi, I located the sign directing me to the trains, bought a ticket to Kowloon (that’s where the hotel I reserved is located) and off I went.   While I was on the train, I read the brochure about the trains (schedule and stops) and found out that at both the Kowloon and Hong Kong stations, there is a free bus shuttle service to major hotels.  AH HA !  Got off at the Kowloon station and found the area where the buses were leaving.  The man at the information desk advised me that although the hotel where I was staying was not on the route, I could still take one of their buses to get close to mine, and take a taxi from there.  Excellent !   There were 5 different routes available and mine was K5.  Only 14 minutes to wait until the next bus.  It all worked out beautifully.  Got off at Cityview Hotel and took a taxi to the Stanford Hotel on Soy Street.

Now I was arriving one day earlier than planned, but my luck was still with me since they had a room available for the night, and then I had my reservation for the next 9 nights.  Thank you my little guardian angels;  you took really good care of me.
I took a shower, put on a dress and went back to the lobby to ask about laundry services.  I’m in luck again !   There is a laundry only ½ a block away.  Took all my clothes, split them into to batches, and brought them to the Laundry.  Same day service; they will be ready at 3 pm.   I went back to the hotel to watch some TV and rest, but could not keep my eyes open.  I fell asleep until about 2 pm.   Decided I needed something to eat so went downstairs for lunch, Dim Sum, YUM !   Picked up my laundry, changed into some jeans and a sweater and went out to explore the streets around the Hotel.  Found a place to finally exchange my Indian Rupees, but could not change the Nepalese Rupees.  On the way back to the Hotel I found a bakery.  Oh oh !  I was good though, I only bought some unglazed raisin buns.  Still warm!  Double Yum.   Only 2 stores further there was a very small street that led to fresh produce stalls.  Beautiful fresh vegetables and fruit.  Bought some oranges and a few bananas;  will have to go back with my camera to take some pictures.

Oh,  Forgot to tell you that I also booked a tour for tomorrow:  Cruise in the harbour in the morning, and a tour of Hong Kong Island in the afternoon.
That was a good day !    Still, by 9 pm I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open, so I called it a day and turned off the TV.  Instantly asleep.

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