Tuesday 25 September 2012

August 13, Monday to August 22, Wednesday

August 13, Monday to August 22, Wednesday

BALI ,what can I say.   It’s another dream come true.     
I stayed around the hotel in Kuta most of the time I was here, either in my room, around the pool or at the beach.  I did not do much exploring since my internet research confirmed that it was a micro version of Java.  I really needed to just stay put and rest; and that’s exactly what I did.


Access to Tuban Beach was a short walk away, through the Discovery Kartika Plaza where many shops and restaurants were located. I ate in a different restaurant on most days and everything was D E L I C I O U S. Memorable foods: fresh tuna steak with garlic butter, pasta with creamy seafood sauce, pizzas with seafood toppings, great salads, mango mousse with chocolate coulee, lychee iced tea (my favourite, would have been even better with a shot of vodka in it) and many, many delicious cocktail concoctions.  

 Discovery Kartika Plaza, the beach side entrance.  Nice cafés and restaurants to choose from.

 The beaches were nice and clean.  Nice free pedicure walks in the sand.

 The waves were quite rough however and I did not go in for a swim.

 Some people were trying to learn how to surf.

 Looking back towards the Discovery Kartika Plaza.  I could have walked on for miles.

There were red warning flags advising not to go swimming because of the rip tides, but not many people heeded them.

 Some areas were quite shallow and that's about as far as I got into the water.

 I stayed on the beach and did some people watching instead.

 Closer to where my hotel was located was a natural wading pool with calm warm waters to putter around in.

 As I walked around this area I noticed funny patterns on the sand.

 Lots of them.  They looked like tiny ball bearings.

Thousands of them !    I would catch glimpses of something scurrying around but as soon as I would look it would be gone.  Would have loved to get a picture of the tiny critters creating these ball bearings.  True artists at work.

There were a few nights of entertainment each week at the hotel.

 The lobby of the hotel at night.  Open to the street and the shops on the other side of the road.

 The musicians and their traditional instruments

 The dramatic dancers, with expressive makeup and elaborate costumes

 Hard to take a nice picture since they are continuously in motion

 Beautifully draped colourful costumes

And so elegant.  Not only with the expressive hand movements but feet as well.

I really enjoyed my stay here.

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