Sunday 9 October 2011

Oct 6, Thursday

Oct 6, Thursday

Visit to archaeological site of Pachacamac on a Double Decker, open top bus.   We left from the Parque Central in Miraflores for a drive of  35 or 45 km, depending on which brochure you read.  
Made a quick stop at a wild life reserve.  Unfortunately wasn’t much to see.

The archaeological site of Pachacamac is a very large site along the coast and consists of three different pyramid sites, but we could only get off to see the main one “El Temple del Sol”.   Very impressive.    From the top of this pyramid, which sits on top of a sand mountain, on the cliffs above the ocean,  the view was exceptional.   

When we were ready to leave, the bus pulled out and began its decent down the mountain before I reached my seat at the front of the bus on the second level.  (Our favourite seats Yvette !)   The hill is very steep and uneven, so from the top of a double decker bus, it felt like we were riding a camel.  I actually slid right off my slippery plastic seat and dropped to the floor.   The couple sitting behind me immediately came to my assistance, but I did not dare try to get up before we reached the bottom of the hill, because I would have slipped right off the seat again.   I did have the presence of mind to hand over my camera however !

Back in the city by 1:30 so had lunch near the park, got some more $ from the ATM, then went back to the hotel for an early night since the pick-up for the Nasca excursion is picking me up early tomorrow.   Actually nodded off between 8 and 10 pm, no idea which shows were playing on TV.   Turned off TV at 10 and  could not get back to sleep.   So I turned the lights back on and prepared my small back-pack for the two day trip.  Didn’t take long since I had already planned what clothes I would need.   Turned lights off again and finally went back to sleep.

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