Tuesday 13 September 2011

Sept 7 – Wednesday - The Journey begins !

This "Round the world trip" has been two years in the planning,  and it is now REAL !

Spent last night at Sandra's sorting through everything I wanted to bring, and having to eliminate quite a bit (Thanks for your help Tim).    Sandra and I finally managed to get the suitcase closed, even though I had to SIT ON IT !    Then she treated me to a nice hot bubble bath.
This morning Iwedropped off the car at the storage area, Sandra drove me to the airport and we met Hélène and Marjolaire there.  It was great to have them there to see me off.   Flight from Ottawa to Toronto was uneventful.   The flight out of Toronto was more than ½ an hour late taking off and we had some strong winds over the Caribbean  (I believe there is another hurricane out there somewhere)  so we were more than 1 hour late by the time we landed at the Caracas Airport (actually at Maïquetia , 30 miles from Caracas).   The line ups were huge to get through customs, but the agents were so tired they were just stamping passports, not asking any questions, and waiving us through.  The taxi ride into the city went very well since there was hardly any traffic on the freeway from the airport into the city.  Checked in at 2 am and by 2:15 I had showered and was in bed.  Did not see much of Caracas, but obviously surrounded by mountains since I could see the lights everywhere on the mountain sides.

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